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Terms Of Service

I am a freelance artist & YouTuber who can't wait to bring your idea/projects to life through the world of 2D digital art.


You must pay and be accepted first before I start drawing your request. There are things I will not draw and I have the rights to decline your request without explaining/reasoning.

I retain the rights to display/promote all artwork being done for the client. If your uncomfortable with this, you must notify me "Private" to your request so the work I do for you will not be posted anywhere.


My sketches may not be used for practices nor tracing of any kind!


My artwork is not allowed to be utilized for NFT nor AI. This will not be tolerated and will end up putting you in a banned list where you can't be allowed nor accepted to request commission piece from me.


When receiving my art piece, you can "NOT" edit or profit off of them. Credit must be given if posted anywhere for I am the artist who created the piece. My artwork is "NOT" allowed to be placed on products for one self/family. If you wish to do so, you must pay extra for it.



I am not responsible for what happens.​​​


Commercial Use: Merchandises, Book/comic story, Movies/Shows, Video Games, etc.


Commercial work are subjected to an additional terms & a contract must be in place. This can change the original pricing depending on the commercial usage. Commercial Use is consider as "Special Request".

Please contact me for any question/information.

Terms of Service can & may change.

By continuing, you agree with the Terms.

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