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Lost Chimeric

My characters are copyrighted.


Chimeric are creature with animal like features with parts being different shapes, numbers, and sizes. Their body comes in different colors and pattern with Long tail and claws, Long bust fur, spiked and horns made of gems and 3 to 5 eyes. Some may have 6 or 7 which are rare.

These Chimerics form are people's deepest mythical creature design.

Lost Chimeric are Chimeric without a body vessel. They're extremely rare. This happens when the persons were not fully into death. When a creature doesn't fully die, their chimeric is release without the memory on what happened nor if they had a body vessel. All they know is that they're Chimeric. It's like being reborn. They have the ability to shapeshift into any living or dead things. They often use this to blend in. Also has ability to controller their own shadows when they are angry but lose controller when they are brokenly sad.

These creature can life forever until they die from some kind of cause.

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