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Body & Religion

Even though, this religion may have some similarities, they are different in its own way.

Don't practice these cults for their created on the sole purpose for the characters story, I am NOT responsible for whatever happens to you.

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 This is a religion and the vacati. Whenever someone inner spirit eyes open. They can visually see only themself with zingel wings and halo. These events are very rare to happen.


If their vacati jies were open but the halo is broken or cracks. This means their jies aren't fully open. Felu can be in Chimeian Religion without their jies being opened. Normally these felu pretend to be one of them or what's to learn about it to maybe one day become fully a Chimeian. This would sometime cause confusion to society and sometimes even would go against, hate, or don't believe them or its existents.


inner vacati jies are a symbol of seeing the truth about life and everything around.



This is a religion and the vacati. Religion of Mollixie is very spiritual. They speak to the societies inner Chimeric and see felus past. Mollixie itself is the inner vacati jies seeing the vacatileo


Mollixie religious felu damages others Chimeric just to get information for them to believe Mollixie is the true way of life.


Every religious Mollixie being has markings in their inner jies to forcefully see only others chimeric. Normal Mollixie are marked differently then religious. Felu has this either it was a gift given at birth or they lost their physical jies.

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This is a religion and the vacati. Whenever someone inner vacati jies are sewn closed. They can visually see themself with zingel wings and halo but in all black, broken, and sinister. These events are semi common to happen.


If their vacati jies were open but the halo is broken or cracks. This means their jies are unsewn with scares but not open. These felu don't follow by any rules. This would cause freedom and problem don't the road without realizing. Religious Natasic wears a mask symbolizing Vex in some way or form. They mostly follow rules places on it. This would cause chaos and problems without realizing it.


inner vacati jies sewn are a symbol of seeing the harsh lies as the truth.



Felu who vacati jies are normally closed with no scares nor markings. Their very neutral and only believe on what they can physically see like proof.


Mostly everyone living in this universe are like this, along with Mollixie. Either they know nothing about the inner body, or they choose to deny its existence.


Every Nothisel live their lives normally depending in the area they live in. Some may pretend to be Mollixie, Natasic, or Chimeian just to fit in.

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Felu who vacati jies are stained/blurred out. A missed shape halo can be seen by other Aseto felu.


The stained eyes cause the miss shape halo to appear. Only Asetio can see this within each other. This symbolize the truth has been noticed by blinded and only seeing/knowing the half-truth.


They're not rare but not very common neither.

Every Asetio live in groups of their family members. They never separate from there people unless the stain/blurr eye has been removed.



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